
Dr Roy Havemann

Principal: Financial Sector Policy and Public Economics

Contact Details

First floor, Building 3
Inanda Greens Office Park
54 Wierda Road West
Sandton, 2194
South Africa

Tel+27 (0)11 084 5200


[email protected]

  • Banking and finance
  • Financial sector policy and capital markets
  • Public Policy
  • Economics

Roy leads Krutham’s financial sector policy and public economics practice in South Africa, specialising in public policy development, banking strategy and general economics. 

Roy has over twenty years of experience in the public and private sectors, with a 15-year career with National Treasury, spanning macroeconomic policy and financial sector policy, latterly as chief director of financial markets and stability. While at the Treasury he played a key role in several post global financial crisis reforms, including the introduction of Twin Peaks, Basel III, the Financial Markets Act, and the new recovery and resolution regime.

Prior to that he was at Deloitte Consulting with clients including Eskom, Transnet, Sanral and Sasol. Roy holds a MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a PhD from Stellenbosch University.