
Intellidex foundationsXchange webinar: Responding to Covid-19

Intellidex hosted the foundationsXchange webinar on Wednesday 12 May. The event was hosted by Dr Zoheb Kahn, philanthropy research manager.

Intellidex works with foundations to help develop strategy and portfolio management. The Covid-19 crisis has created unprecedented challenges for foundations. Intellidex put together the webinar to assist the foundation sector in thinking through the challenges.

The webinar exchanges were fruitful and stand to improve the frontiers of philanthropy. The themes covered were:

  • Macroeconomic perspective. The employment and poverty impact of the crisis – Peter Attard Montalto, Intellidex
  • Health challenges. The multidimensional health impact of the epidemic in SA – Dr Maurice Goodman, Discovery Health Chief Medical Officer / Trustee Discovery Foundation
  • Foundation responses. Managing in the face of heightened demands – Sizwe Nxasana, Zenex Foundation / FirstRand Empowerment Foundation
  • Foundation Portfolio Management. Balancing cash needs in a weak market – Dr Stuart Theobald, CFA, Intellidex
  • Strategy response. Dealing with the crisis while not losing sight of long-term strategy – Dr Graunt R. Kruger, PhD, Intellidex

Listen to a recording of the webinar above and access the presentation slides here.