
Watch Now: Nolwandle Mthombeni on the 2nd instalment of Intellidex’s Banking Monthly

Intellidex’s Senior Banks Analyst Nolwandle Mthombeni joins Michael Avery on Business Watch. She joins as a panellist to discuss findings from Intellidex’s May Banking Monthly alongside David Buckham, CEO of Monocle Solutions.

Topics of interest for May 2022, as discussed by the panel, include central banks capitulating to inflation, expectations for lending growth across the sector and some of the bank AGM outcomes. 

“We look at three main components (to construct the Intellidex Momentum Index) 1. The balance sheet. 2. Income statements. 3. Profitability. We look at the SARS data that is tracked every month to track if the momentum is showing improvement or is it going backwards. We then on a month to month basis create and index to show where the growth has been going,” says Nolwandle Mthombeni.

Watch the full panel discussion below.

*The Banking Monthly is a report launched by Intellidex in April 2022. A new report is available on the first Tuesday of every month. You can download your version of the May report here.