
Intellidex Top Investor Relations Survey


Welcome to the 2023 Top Investor Relations Awards



The Top Investor Relations Awards are a critical barometer of the quality of the investor relations function at JSE-listed companies. It has already become a vital resource for IR teams to understand market feedback.

The awards are based on both sell-side and buy-side analysts to assess the quality of investor relations at South Africa’s listed companies. We collect high quality insights from investment professionals that inform the awards.

The award ceremony will be held on Friday 24 March 2023 at 08h00 until 10h00.


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Why get our bespoke reports?

The report provides one of the richest sources of feedback from investors regarding IR performances of JSE-listed companies. The views come from hard-to-reach investors with considerable market influence which were gathered by our research team over three months. Market feedback is provided confidentially, but we can provide good actionable insights on which of your IR activities are landing appropriately, as well as the overall performance of your company’s IR function.

Included in the report:

  • Key features of the respondents, including AUM, foreign/domestic sell-side.
  • Top five and bottom five rankings of your company.
  • Each respondents’ list of ranked companies with your position – this reveals peer groups from the perspective of IR quality.
  • Ratings of your company by respondents (out of 5) across 11 key IR factors:
    • Accessibility of senior management
    • Insight into operations and key earnings drivers presented in annual financial statements
    • Clarity of guidance on future performance
    • Overall quality of investor relations
    • Sufficiency of information to interpret the annual financial statements
    • Detail of notes to the annual financial statements
    • Overall clarity of investment commentary
    • Ability to communicate effectively through the Covid-19 crisis
    • Usability of results booklets and presentations
    • Quality and appropriateness of information in the integrated annual report
    • Timeliness of trading updates and earnings releases
  • In each case your company will be compared against market averages
    • Detail on top performing companies in the market on each of the 11 factors assessed
    • Rankings and net scores of all companies in your sector with your relative rank
    • Any freeform comments made by respondents on your company and/or relevant issues
  • The report will also contain the full questionnaire as an appendix.

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Download the first edition of the Investor Relations Awards report:

Summary Report 2023

Full survey report 2023

Summary Report 2022

Full survey report 2022