
Intellidex Top Securities Brokers Awards 2022

The Top Securities Brokers survey celebrates its 13th anniversary this year and 5,649 clients participated, ranking their brokers on products and services to help determine which is brokers are best at what.

This survey has established itself as the premier independent assessment of SA’s securities brokers. Intellidex is proud of the reputation that this survey has amassed over the years.

Winners of the 2022 Top Securities Brokers survey were announced at an awards ceremony on 25 October, with Infront as platinum sponsor, Financial Mail’s Investors Monthly as the media partner and JSE as the event sponsor.

Rand Swiss took the overall prize once again, while PSG Wealth and Unum Capital won three awards each. Survey newcomer Herenya Capital also put in a strong showing.

For all the winners, download the 2022 Top Securities Brokers survey report below.