
Frequently asked questions regarding Intellidex website redevelopment RFP 

Is the new site going to be based on existing pages/ site structure?

Largely, yes. We will reword the main menu pages and they need far better visual treatment. Deeper content posts remain the same.

We note a rebranding is being undertaken. Must this be included in the proposal?

No. The rebranding has been done. We are in the process of registering trademarks. Note that all colour palettes stay the same as existing brand. However we are interested in how you may be able to support the rebranding process through a marketing strategy. This can be referenced as a possible additional service to your core proposal for the website rebuild.

Do we need to show a full mock-up of our ideas for the proposal? 

In the proposals, we just need to see whether potential candidates (either through examples, rough mock-ups or other means) are able to understand our industry (financial and capital markets) and supply the requisite visuals that powerfully but simply convey complex messages to our clients. This can be through examples of other work.

Has the corporate identity (CI) for the rebranding already been done and can you share the logo if we sign an NDA? 

The CI has already been done but at this point, we do not feel comfortable sharing the logo as we are still in the process of registering it.  

The colour palette, however, would remain the same as existing site so that may be used for any ideas you may want to include in the proposal. 

Do you need SEO tracking 

Very much. We currently use Google analytics to track performance. This will obviously need to be updated for the Analytics switch over. 

Will the new site be on a different URL? 

Yes. We have registered a .com domain under the new brand that we will migrate to. For email as well. When this is done, we will have to have a solution for how we will maintain SEO rankings of our existing content. 

Do you have competitor examples for us get a sense of what you are looking for? 

This would be any of the major and boutique management consulting firms. Some guidance: 12 Top Consulting Firms (2023) | Caseinterview 

Would the new website include the old content on the website and can we use the current website as a guide in terms of content and functionality for the proposal? 

All our research and client content would remain the same but we would need assistance with all the information that conveys who we are as a brand (the top level homepage and menu landing pages). You may use the current website and content as a guide. 

Do you have any marketing and social media requirements? 

We are open to hearing if you can assist with the wider brand relaunch. Most of the call to action is going to be focused on driving traffic to the website.  

You are currently using WordPress – are you looking to migrate to another system? 

WordPress currently works for us, and we see no reason to migrate to another system. But we could be convinced otherwise if you believe an alternative offers much better functionality. 

Would this require data migration services as well? 

We will need to migrate all existing posts to the new site. We want to ensure some SEO continuity if possible.  301 redirects may be the best strategy – you can advise.

Are SEO, lead capture, lead generation, marketing automation etc. important to include? 

SEO is important to us and so needs full functionality. We don’t necessarily want lead capture – perhaps something as simple as a query page. Our business tends to be more driven by direct relationships with clients rather than leads coming in through the site but this isn’t always the case. Though note point on signup wall below. 

Do you want a sign up wall for people to download reports? 

Yes – we currently inconsistently implement one. This should default to sign up for newsletter and capture lead details. And be consistent across reports (unlike current site). 

What type of functionality is needed for the client login section? 

Clients would need to be able to log in and access PDFs or other content, including video and sound files. We are open to making this a phase 2 requirement – i.e. specify in your proposal that it will be fully spec’d and implemented as an add on post the redevelopment of the site. At the moment it is low priority.

Could we set up a call in order to better understand the requirements of the RFP? 

At this point, we are only busy sourcing rough ideas in proposal format and then once we have shortlisted candidates, we will be setting up more in-depth meetings with those candidates.